Making Of / 27 June 2021

Battle Angel 002

Nearly 30 hours of work put into this character since the last post, almost all of them creating and tweaking guides on main hair description in order to get better hair layering and interpolation.
 Some work was also put into tweaking beard, mustache and goatee, and trying different combination of clumps and noises (beard only).  The fringe got a small revamp too.


Hair Layering:

In order to get a better hair layering I had to increase a lot the number of guides, to do so I put every guide row into a layer. Up until now the hair is composed of seven guide layers, not all of them are complete and some layers are still missing (need one more layer between “groom_hairLong_lowerLayer” and “groom_hairLong_lowerlayer02”; one between “groom_hairLong_midLayer” and “groom_hairLong_midLayer02”; create and tweak guides at “groom_hairLong_midLayer”, “groom_hairLong_midTopLayer” and “groom_hairLong_midTopLayer02”). With the guides divided this way, I was able to hide/show them and select them easier.


 to correct:

  The deadline is approaching and there still a ton of things to do: finalize armor detail sculpt and paint, posing tweak lights and so on. Grooming, specifically, I need to change the shape of the hair – still not satisfied with it – correct the parting, tweak the modifiers and add the new ones. Finally, I need to add the Strays description.